King • James • Version
Its Easy to Win Souls!

Take a Chick tract and open it then slide it through a rubber band. Now you can hang Chick tracts on doorknobs or often fences when you cant reach the front door. Furthermore with Chick tracts you don't need to always hang the tract, in most neighborhoods I leave the tract on the ground in front of the door or on the door threshold.
In dry weather a Chick tract will remain in good shape for quite awhile, however if your climate is often wet or humid you may need to protect it. A 4x6 sandwich bag is ideal for this, and you can still hang these tracts when necessary with something like a hang tag string fastener or zip ties. I recommend placing a few rubber band hung tracts outside your home first to see how long they last.
What to say when handing out tracts:
"Have you gotten one of these before?"
"Its a comic book from the 1960s" when handing out This Was Your Life.
"Read this on your break" or "Read this when you have time."